The media have always been a sucker for exotic,weird and outrageous stuff and have known to profoundly support any who wishes to write in similar lines. Arundhati Roy chooses to be the so called “Elite” few who would go as far as coining terms such as “Gandhians with Guns” so as to try and grab at the fat funds handed out by the big media houses in exchange for a few pages “Exotic” stuff. People like Roy herself have founded their own sweet and groovy spot by turning out articles bad mouthing the government, supporting internal terrorism, justifying terror attacks and harping against capitalism and the so called “Greedy Corporate”. Over the years her harps against capitalism and corporates have died down once she realized the only way to fund her indulgences into getting in the heartland and start on a “Bad Mouthing” cum “Demonizing” campaign needed money and most of it came funded from companies whome she had labeled “Greedy Corporates”.
Her writing style has evolved since the days she made quite some fortunes (half a million pounds as advance) narrating a story of 2 twins who were to be united years later. She realized and quite well that allowing her pen to write on anything in this world that is wretched, feudal, bad would be awaiting to be published by hordes of publishing companies who would give her “Acidic” reviews great space and publicity. Her recent arguments with regards to the Mumbai Attacks in 2008 and the recent disgraceful term of terming Maoists as “Gandhi with Guns” gives proof of the same. Voicing her opinions on the terror attacks in Mumbai she tried relating it to the sub continents history, society and wide spread poverty and even putting part blame on the partition of India. She has openly supported the claims for the separation of Kashmir from India and even gone ahead and tried to stay the court proceedings of Mohamed Afzal the key figure in the Indian Parliament terrorist attack in 2001. For long we have tried tolerating her hysterical allegations against India and anything Indian but patience right now is wearing fast.
She claims that she went, lived and even walked with her “Comrades” and claimed “it’s an army that is more Gandhian than any Gandhian, that leaves a lighter footprint than any climate change evangelist. You know, and as I said, even their sabotage techniques are Gandhian. You know, they waste nothing. They live on nothing.” Maybe she should consult the poor CRPF forces who were blown to smithereens by the “Humble and Gandhian” sabotaging tech niches of her “Comrades” before claiming such stuff. But then the poor sods who did die were “Crownies” of the evil state and it was good they got blown away. So while the jawan lies in midst of a jungle crying his guts out getting pumped by bullets from the “Brave Warriors” fighting against the state Mrs Roy would still claim the methods to be “Gandhian”. Even when the Maoists attack on a private bus killing about 50 people just to show who really is in power she gets really busy trying hard to find any lapse in the role of the state so that she could arrive as a “Messiah” to the innocent, armed poor trying hard to save their land from the greedy corporate by killing “Innocent Civilians”. Painting a much “Romanticized and Gruesome” picture of Maoist terror and state “Helplessness” seems to be her only fascination as she clearly does not want to endeavor into deeper waters. One would wonder as why did she opted out to become the negotiator between the Maoist and the Government. Sporting lame excuses as there were better people to do it and that she is too impatient and a maverick she stepped away. But seriously why would she want this to end as for her the fun has just begun. The state is tottering against the backlashes of the Maoists, Delhi too doesn't seem to keen on the “Final Solution” the field is virtually set for her to indulge in her favorite pastime, arising hysterical allegations via “Exotic” articles. She surely does not want this to end.
Democracy according to her is the biggest scams of all where votes are bought and voters become consumers. Like it or not Mrs Roy democracy is the reason you can write demeaning stuff about the state, flaunt it and still get away. I bet she would not try even writing half the stuff she does in a Communist or a Military Junta ruled state. Locked up in a dark cell with stale bread to eat and rats for company would be her state if she was ever so foolish. It would make one sound pretty dumb if he or she was to say the government was not to blame for the backlashes occurring. It is needless to say that the state and its various arms and faculties have contributed to or ignored the buildup of problems to current pathetic stage. But to openly support the cause of the Maoists saying they are doing this for solving the problems of the poor and the oppressed is nothing but bourgeois crap. In most countries such massacre of security forces would be met with brutal force the state showing great patience has not yet looked for such a “Final Solution”. But then most of us are mere individuals and blood does tend to boil when security men and civilians are butchered and instead of condemning such atrocities a certain section of the society like Roy herself goes about applauding the fact.
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