Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thy Neighbors

The recent bomb blast in Lahore has set alarm bells ringing, in a message that proves the recognition that should Pakistan go under, the consequences for India would be catastrophic. Thus the so called message of a “Joint Effort” to save Pakistan shows the urgency from India’s side.

Whether they like it or not Pakistan needs immediate help in order to restore itself. The threat of the northern frontier has come down to the streets of Lahore by way of bombs. The insurgents have also stated their intention to carry the message of the threat into the major cities. An undeclared state of civil war has already gripped the country.

The major point now is who would be ready to save Pakistan. Over the years Islamabad have turned to the US more than often and by now would have realized that Washington is more a problem than a solution. The US from the very days of having a relationship with Pakistan was more interested to use Pakistan as a market for selling its arms. Even now the US provides Military Finance Aid to Pakistan in amounts of 1.9 Billion dollars, the major chunk of it however goes back to US as money paid to arms sale. Over the years and till date most of it has been done to cope with the threat factor from India. Even in the early days of 65 and 71 wars, Pakistan always had a better equipped Army and Air force. While the Army boasted of Sherman Tanks the Air Force had the much more superior Sabres and the Star fighters. These we first rate strike options and were used well against the aging Canberra and Hunters fielded by the IAF. Though the IAF;s small but very maneuverable GNATS shot down many a Sabre the PAF’s faith in US fighters were not marred by any means. While the IAF battled over how to replace its fleet of Mig 21’s the PAF got the spanking new F 16’s. But on the turn into the new century things have not been as it has prevailed over the years. China has now taken over the US as Pakistan’s major arms supplier. The Chengdu J 10 would take over the F 16’s at a later date, the Falcon getting a new lease of life after going through a refit phase. Ukrainian T 80 form the backbone of Pakistan’s armored division.

But still in spite of China taking over US got orders in excess of 5 billion dollars from Pakistan as defense requirements. With specific intent on battling the Taliban Islamabad bought 8 P 3C Orion patrol aircrafts and has also placed orders for anti armor missiles.

Besides buying more than 5,600 military radio sets worth $163 million, Pakistan bought six AN/TPS-77 surveillance radars worth $100 million and six C-130E transport aircraft and their refurbishment worth $76 million. Under the Excess Defense Articles (EDA), it was granted 20 AH-1F Cobra attack helicopters. All of the above has been acquired with a specific requirement of dealing with the Taliban.

For our own interest and safety India needs to see that a civilian government is set up. This however would have to get the support of the other nations in order to see it is not just another frugal government which would die down on the hands of the rising wave of terror, which if kept unchecked would sweep across the subcontinent. Any kind of military action to achieve the above goal can be counted out as this must be down purely on basis diplomatic initiatives. What we need to do is to forget the years of bitter rivalry and offer our help to a beleaguered Pakistan. It is time we the largest democracy in the world took a brave step forward and ensure terror free democratic Pakistan. It is time we act as morale boosters for our neighbors when they need it the most. This boost could easily be the difference in the governments formed in the past and the one than would be formed now. This measure if taken could easily be seen as a symbolic victory of democracy against terror.

The US interests in Pakistan clearly is not clear to put it in short. They are the ones who have driven out Taliban, where do they go – Pakistan. The main aim of the US is clearly to shut out the Taliban. All the aid into Pakistan and providing of marines to fight the insurgents show that the US wants to tighten the noose on Taliban and counter them from 2 fronts. They would send drones into the NWF and fire missiles and then demand Pakistan to send its troops to clear the so called area. I guess this time around they don’t want their hands to get dirty. Poor Pakistan has no other choice but to comply with what the US says and also bow to the other superpowers. We too have been acquisitive and have whined like babies whenever the issue of terror and Pakistan has come up.

What Pakistan needs is a “Shepherd” who would tend to his flock but in times of need drive out the wolves. US is in no mood to “tend the flock” but act as self styled hunters offering help to many like Pakistan who have problems with wolves. A joint effort is seriously needed. India can certainly would have to play a large part in order to see a civilian democratic government is formed which would “tend to its flock”, the US is always at hand to drive the wolves away. But given a few years of a stable government and prosperity I am sure the offers of the US would no longer be required.

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